Monday, June 21, 2010

Holy Crap it is a Boy!

Got back from the OB this morning and the baby I put in my wife's uterus definitely has a penis and at least two balls. This is awesome! We are both very shocked at how excited we are. Both of us were secretly crossing our fingers for a little girl so we thought that this news would be a little bit of a bummer. But we are f'ing stoked!!

Big changes have been happening in our lives lately. So much so that if I was to write it all in paragraph form no one would read this entire post. That considered, you will now all be updated on our lives in bullet point form:

- We moved to Utah the very end of May. Huge change for all of us but I think we are all settling in nicely. Still more settling to do, but it still feels like it was the right decision, so that's good right?

- My schedule change from working until 11:15PM to working until 2:45PM. A few words on this: eff alarm clocks, and, I love not working until almost midnight.

- It's like half the temperature here than it is in Arizona. WTF. My skinny bones cant handle this shit. Good thing I love hoodies.

- The mountains and overall greenery of this place alone is enough to make me love our decision to move here.

- My beard is at an all time burliness. I think the time for me to trim up a bit is fast approaching. Tamye can only handle so much after all. Until doomsday arrives however I am enjoying my face-pubes as much as possible.

- I'm pretty sure more things need to be updated here but I can't think of any.

David and Co.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Before you start reading this it is mandatory that you download "As we go on" by Vitamin C and listen to it while reading.

So I decided to get this out of the way now, rather than when we are actually leaving, which would be this weekend. Not that I don't want to say goodbye, I just can't imagine any free time in the near future for me to really putter around on the internet. Tamye is not proofreading this one, and since this is the family blog I am going to take a leap of faith and do my best to speak on behalf of her feelings as well.

We are excited to go. It is past time for us to pick up what we have here and start fresh somewhere else. Utah was the obvious choice since we are getting a lot of support from family there, and now that we have a little family of ourselves we fully comprehend the importance of having people that truly care about you in your life. It makes us both sad to leave a lot of family here, but this is the right decision for us at this time.

It has been an interesting experience for me announcing the move and them witnessing the subsequent reactions to said news. I have been greeted with anything from complete indifference to expressions of grief. This wasn't the surprising part since I realize that we are a combination of awesome and jerk both awesome, and kind of a dick. The surprising part is that people who have known me for less than a year or so seem more upset about us moving to Utah than people I have known forever.

To those of you who will miss us: we will miss you too, and are sad to leave these friendships behind to weaken with the distance. It is a sad thing.

To those of you who opt not to acknowledge the fact that we are leaving: there is a reason we are done with Arizona. Have a fantastic life, I love you.

Whoa, we just got all serious in this bitch. There, that's better.

We have extremely high hopes for the future and I think we are both looking at Utah and a fresh start to everything. I can't wait to finally arrive at our new residence so we can begin the long road to getting what we want in life.

I only kinda proofread, sorry

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Whoops, haven't posted in a few months.

Ya so I lied when I said this will be the first of many blah blah blah... Whatever though, better late than never.

Here is the update:

As of the end of May we are moving up to Utah! Yes, back to the motherland, Mormo jokes can begin now. It took quite a bit of talking between myself and Tamye before we both decided it was the best move for our family to make. I can't see the downside of having my son around grandparents that will love him, and aunts and uncles that can play with him. I realized all my initial reservations about moving back to Zion were selfish, so it is easy now for my to say goodbye to this wretched desert. There are some who we will definitely miss. And, there are definitely more than a handle of folks we are excited to leave.

All in all, we cannot wait to get there!

Also, many people know by now, but Tamye is pregnant again! We are both very excited to round off our family nicely with a second child. Tamye doesn't like to say it, but I will anyway, we both hope it is a girl. She is paranoid that if we hope for one gender we'll get the other. Damn science and all that, pregnancy is all a bunch of superstitions and witch-doctory.

That I guess would be the two major updates in our lives this year. In other news, G turns 1 on May 13th. All I have to say to that is: HOLY SHIT!. I am going to school at ITT Tech. It is a huge breathe of fresh air from all that online school crap. Seriously. Online school may as well be called dumbline school.

That's it.


Also, I really didn't feel like proofreading, so don't call all huffy if my grammar sucks. It's 2 parts laziness and 1 part my grammar does in fact suck.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This will be the first of probably many useful but entertaining updates on our lives. I know most of you are dying to know what happens behind closed doors, so here is you chance to find out.

First I will start out by filling everyone in on how our inherent cool-ness began, and where we see it all going.

I met Tamye about two years ago under not-so-normal circumstances. I was living with my brother and sister-in-law at the time, and she needed a place to stay. My sister-in-law, Kara, offered up her home and she moved in with us. It took all of about 10 seconds before I realized what an extremely fortunate situation I was in. Here I was now living with a beautiful and successful woman, whom just happen to be single at the time.

It took me about 15 seconds to begin laying out my irresistible charm and she was awestruck by my majesty. At least that's what I am pretty sure was happening... Long story short we started dating, living arrangements changed, dated some more, got married. Like I said, I am pretty majestic, and she is drop dead gorgeous, so it is only natural that two beautiful people tie the knot.

Shortly after getting married I kindly placed a baby inside her uterus. Nine months and a lot of excitement later Grayson (who will be known as G from this point forward) was introduced in our lives. He's alright I guess, kinda drooly... And by "alright" I mean he (along with Tamye) is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never been more drained emotionally and physically since having him, but no matter how difficult it gets his smile makes it all better.

Now we are in the present, G and Tamye are asleep on the couch, I am on the back patio.

I am attending school right now and in the process of switching my major to chemical engineering. I figured sciencey stuff is the way to go for me. Tamye works at Just for You Salon and Spa as an aesthetician, "making the vagina's of the world beautiful" as she likes to describe it. G is currently in between jobs, which, if you ask me, is a lame excuse for not paying rent.

That pretty much sums up what we are all about. I will save the totally true stories about our experiences with terrorists, robots, ninjas, and midgets for another post.

Stay classy, planet Earth,
